Airport Services

We help you make sure that every request is handled, and handled on time.

Special Needs Passengers

Watershed manages work-flow for terminal, passenger and aircraft maintenance services in a number of airports, including most of the busiest airports in the US. This easy to use, web-based application, accessed via hand-held devices in the hands of employees, makes sure that tasks are scheduled, assigned and completed.

Watershed ensures everybody knows what needs to be done, where, and when. With configurable alerts and notifications, staff and management are automatically notified of impending deadlines, so problems can be averted. Rich management reporting, mining thorough work-flow history, gives you the tools you need to measure and improve performance.

Aircraft Service

With our proven interfaces to a wide variety of airline information systems, and our track record of responsiveness, you can be confident about keeping up with changing technologies, and changing requirements.

Special Service Requests Management

  • Wheelchair transport service
  • Passenger electric cart service
  • Unaccompanied minor tracking
  • All disability-related DOT SSR services
  • Automated SSR interfaces with all major US airlines
  • Automated real-time DOT compliance reporting to airlines directly

Cabin Cleaning Management

  • Turn cleaning
  • Overnight cleaning
  • Deep cleaning
  • Automated flight feed interfaces with all major US airlines
  • Flexible automated service scheduling

Tarmac Services Management

  • Water and lavatory services
  • Flight restocking
  • Inspection and audits
  • Automated flight feed interfaces with all major US airlines
  • Flexible automated service scheduling

Facilities Services Management

  • Cleaning services
  • Maintenance requests